亞洲發展銀行資助保育珊瑚礁大三角區的商業活動亞洲發展銀行(ADB)為保育全球蘊育多樣性生物卻飽受威脅的珊瑚礁大三角海洋生態,將撥用日本減貧信託基金200萬美元,資助印尼東加里曼丹省Berau區及菲律賓巴拉望Balabac的偏遠漁村低收入戶發展小型、環保商業活動。該基金將用於投入、興建及經營與海藻養殖、水產加工、情趣用品運搬船服務及飼養家畜等與環保相關的商業活動;計畫期程亦與ADB在東南亞及太平洋珊瑚礁大三角推動的其他援助行動一樣至2014年截止。關乎12,000萬人生計及食物安全的珊瑚礁大三角,綿延1,470萬公里長的海域、橫跨印尼、菲律賓等東南亞、太平洋6個國家、囊括全球75%的珊瑚礁種類,堪稱「海洋中的亞馬遜雨林」。專家學者室內裝潢將與漁民在創造利潤及風險分攤機制下,鼓勵合乎經濟及環境永續兼具的商業活動,並提升低收入戶的避險能力。多達14個沿海漁村、近550戶的漁民(多為婦人及原住民)將參加職訓及接受經濟援助。計劃受惠者及私人領域間的商業夥伴關係有助於低收入戶獲得微額信貸及行銷機會。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 20/2011,1 小型辦公室November 2011) ADB TO SUPPORT GREEN BUSINESS IN CTI Coastal communities in remote areas of the Coral Triangle in Indonesia and the Philippines will receive Asian Development Bank (ADB) support to start small, green businesses that will help preserve one of the most diverse and threatened 褐藻醣膠marine environments in the world. A US$2 million grant from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, administered by ADB, will help poor fishing households in Berau District in East Kalimantan, Indonesia and Balabac in Palawan , the Philippines . The fund will be used to identify, establish and 東森房屋operate eco-friendly businesses that could potentially include seaweed culture, fish processing, boat transport services and livestock rearing. The project, which is due to run for three years to 2014, complement other ADB supported Coral Triangle related activities in Southeast Asia and the 酒店打工Pacific. The Coral Triangle, known as the ‘Amazon of the Seas’ is spread across 14.7 million square kilometre of ocean, encompassing six countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including Indonesia and the Philippines . It has 75% of all known coral species on earth and its resources 關鍵字行銷are critical for the economic and food security of an estimated 120 million people. Experts will work with the communities to establish new livelihood activities, operating under an innovative profit and risk sharing mechanism. This structure will provide incentives to ensure that businesses 賣房子are financially viable and environmentally sustainable, while helping to minimize risks faced by poor households. Approximately 550 households in up to 14 coastal villages are earmarked to receive technical skills training and financial assistance, including many headed by women and 裝潢indigenous people. Business partnerships between project beneficiaries and the private sector will also be established to help expand households’ access to microfinance and marketing opportunities.

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